Third Time is The Charm
Over the past several years we have raised broilers (chickens) organically for various people. We have a broad client base across a sixty mile area and generally raise between fifteen hundred and two thousand chickens. After maturity they are gathered up and taken to a facility about an hour from the farm for processing. Of course, we have to pick them up and deliver them to our clients.

Each year is a new challenge not just in regard to the weather conditions but to the quality of the chickens we purchase. When we first got into the business we purchased Jumbo Cornish Rock chicks. Just for the record everyone in the industry refers to meat chickens as broilers not by their proper name. These birds have been cross-bred to produce a fast growing bird (eight to twelve weeks to maturity) and have a substantial amount of breast meat. The fact of the matter was that these birds rarely live past ten weeks. The first year we purchased them, I had to guarantee my daughter that they had a very short life expectancy. In point of fact, we found that these birds grew so fast and got so big that their hearts would give out if the temperature got above ninety degrees. Many had legs that got huge and resulted in difficulty walking. Even though ours are free in a pasture many times they would never move from the feeder. If it rained they would sit in a puddle of water and drown. Through the years the problems got worse. Read more
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Next Month Stories From the Farm Part 2 - Sheparding Raising Organic Free Range Chickens Subscribe Now! |
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Thinking of being a Shepherd Before you begin looking, give serious thought as to the reason are contemplating getting into the shepherding arena. Is this a 4-H or Future Farmer’s of America project for the kids or do you want to participate in showing the sheep at various fairs? Perhaps you wish to be a breeder or maybe you have an orchard, vineyard or hobby farm that you wish someone else to mow and fertilize. Or, you could simply just want a companion. Whatever the reason, it is necessary for you to determine it because your reason will guide you as to what to buy.
 If you are going into breeding or if you wish to show the sheep, familiarize yourself with all aspects of their breed standard before you make your purchase as you will need to know their basic conformation requirements to make quality decision. You also need to investigate other sources of information and decide which registry you will be participating in because not all registries will accept sheep that are registered with another registry. In fact, it would be prudent to contact the prospective registry (or registries) and have them send you their current information before you go shopping.
However, if you are looking for a companion that also mows and fertilizes, I would suggest the Olde English Babydolls. They are essentially miniature Southdown’s. But, let me caution you that these animals are very social and they will get lonely if you only purchase one. They are a docile breed that is sturdy and easy to care for and make great companions for young and old alike. Their small size requires less acreage per animal compared to other breeds so they are more economical to maintain. Also, you should note that the males are far friendlier than the females. The females are nurturing mothers which cause them to be cautious. We breed these precious little ones on our farm and always have difficulty parting with them. However, if you are not interested in breeding and just want lawn ornaments and companionship you would be very happy with a couple of Whethers. Another bonus is that this breed does not girdle trees so if you have an orchard or vineyard this is the breed you are looking for. Read more...http://www.hobbyfarmdreams.com/shepherd-part-1.htm
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